Sunday, 4 October 2015

First week back

It was our first week back home and we're right back into things! Pat was back at hockey Sunday night and work Monday morning, and Jasper and I were back at our weekly Kincardine activities. I even got to get out on my own to underwater hockey.
Trying out the new highchair.
Jasper and I also did a bit of NDP door knocking this week in Kincardine and Port Elgin. I've always found that people are friendly at the door, but especially so when you've got a baby with you. Some people preferred to play with Jasper than talk politics, but that was OK.

We got to see some friends that we haven't seen in a while. We dropped in to visit Alycia, and Sonal and Shretej came over to visit. Shree and Jasper had a great time poking each other and laughing. Hopefully there will be TNDC next week so we can catch up with some more friends.
Playing with his friend Shree
Grandma and Grandpa sure are happy to see Jasper again! They came over for dinner Friday night and came over to look after Jasper Saturday while I finished putting away our camping gear. Jasper and Grandpa took a nap together on the couch.
Napping with Grandpa.
Grandma and Grandpa also came out to the Neon Night Run, organized by a couple of my former swimmers in town as a fundraiser for Me to We. We did the 5 km "poker run", but neither of us got anything better than a pair of 4s. Jasper seems to like the jogging stroller, so I am excited to have a way to exercise with him in tow.
Bundled up for the Neon Night Run.
The weather was terrible, but there was still a pretty good crowd out for the run. I was really impressed by the girls for coming up with such a good fundraising idea and then pulling it off so well.
Soggy family photo after the Neon Night Run.

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