Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Spring arrives in Kincardine

This week was the first week in a long time that we spent entirely at home. It was relaxing to not have to travel anywhere and nice to get to enjoy some of the things around town.

Need to get all the Tupperware out
Jasper's top two teeth are coming in, so he is being more picky about what he eats lately. Hopefully it is just the teeth, not a permanent thing. Bread and cheese isn't really a balanced diet.
On Sunday, Pat hosted an umpire clinic at the Davidson Centre, so after cooking 90 hotdogs for the kids, we took Jasper out to explore the park.
First visit to the Davidson Centre park
He was very reluctant about all the different ground surfaces at first, but he slowly got used to the new textures, and started to crawl around.
Learning not to eat wood chips and rocks
After a few minutes, he was climbing all over the play structures and Pat had to chase him so he wouldn't fall off.

Playing the park chimes
Jasper is almost a year old now and is definitely starting to show his own personality more and more. He is a stubborn little guy, and he definitively knows what he wants. He's starting to point to things, so at least we can get an idea of what he wants. He's also pretty cautious, especially when standing up. He will very slowly squat up and down a dozen times before deciding to crawl instead. He's also a really affectionate kid who likes hugs and cuddles. He likes to give "kisses", which are more like face licks or bites, depending on how excited he is.

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