Monday, 26 December 2016


Since we didn't know when Ellis would make her arrival, we didn't make any plans for Christmas this year. We knew we'd be at home (or at the hospital) but that's about it.
Jasper trying out his new kitchen 5am
It ended up working out well that my parents and brother were able to come visit for the day and we all went over to Pat's parents house for dinner.
Peek a boo!
Ellis and Jasper were spoiled by their grandparents, aunts and uncles. Jasper was excited to get a kitchen set, some new books, trucks and a giant stuffed moose for Christmas.
Ellis cuddles
Jasper still loves to give Ellis lots of kisses.
Kiss attack!
Attempt at picture of the 4 of us.
Grannie took Jasper out to play in the snow before it started to melt. He is getting used to the snow- he seemed to enjoy it much better than last time. It may be because it was 0 degrees with no wind on Christmas.
Sled ride with Grannie

Not scared of snow anymore
Jasper even let Grannie throw snow balls at him and kept saying "more" each  time.

After nap time for most people in the house, we went over to Grandma and Grandpa's for some more gifts and Christmas dinner.
Reading with Grandma
New Christmas PJs.
We put Jasper to bed there in his travel crib, and he ended up sleeping over. It was a nice treat to not have to be up entertaining him at 5am. Apparently he slept int until 5:30 for Grandma and Grandpa.

Ellis eyeing up Grandma
We missed seeing all the extended family this year, but it was a good Christmas spent with a 6 day old. Merry Christmas everyone!

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