Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Ellis' 2nd week

Ellis is now 2 weeks old. She is growing quickly- she weighed in at 9lbs 13 oz at her 2 week appointment, more than 1 pound above her birth weight. She mostly sleeps for a few good stretches at night and doesn't make much of a fuss during the day.

The weather has been different every day, but we had a couple mild snowy days for playing outside. We built a snowman, some snow castles and Jasper enjoyed getting thrown into the snowbanks by his Grandad.
Snowman in the front yard.
Snow castles on the walkway
Yay snow!
Outside with Grandad
We're getting used to life with two kiddos- although we still have lots of family around to help out. The real test will be when everyone's gone and Pat is back at work.
Daddy 2.0
Cuddles by the tree
When the weather turned rainy, Grannie and Grandad took Jasper to the Early Years centre one morning and Pat took Jasper to the parent and tot swim.
At Early Years
Unfortunately, the rain melted our snowman friend. The squirrels ate his carrot nose for a snack.
Checking out the snow man
Jasper seems so much older all of a sudden, with a newborn in the house. He's talking lots and playing pretend with his toys and running around all over the place.
Bath time
He like to try to help out with his baby sister, but he doesn't realize how heavy he is when he gives her hugs. He also wants to share his toys with Ellis, which sometimes means piling trucks and books and stuffed animals on top of her while she sleeps. We're teaching him to be gentle and not to throw toys in the baby's bed, but it is a work in progress. It's not easy learning to be a big brother.
Sleepy Ellis
Big brother hugs

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