Kristin was back to work today and we are staying out in the suburbs so I didn't want to try any epic public transit visits to the zoo or anything. We tried to entertain ourselves within walking distance of the house.
Jasper made a legit friend on the playground near our house, who encouraged him to try the big boy swing for the first time ever, which he did.
Ellis was a little under the weather with a cold today. I went to the kitchen for 5 minutes to get lunch ready, and when I came back she was lying on the floor in the living room and Jasper was tucking her in for a nap.
It was well over 30C again today, both kids were worn out from the epic playground adventure and passed out immediately after lunch (in their own beds, not on the floor).
Jasper was a little grouchy after lunch so we piled in to the stroller and went to find something cold to drink. We ended up at a Chic-fil-A, which I have never been to before. I was intrigued by the all chicken menu and homophobic ownership group, but ultimately it was the play place visible through the window that pulled me in the door. It was also outrageously air conditioned, and sold strawberry milk shakes.
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