Sunday, 15 October 2017

Day 5: Meltdown on a mountain

Today we started off on a driving tour recommended in the guide book. The first stop was a look out called Pico dos Barcelos. It was quite a built up lookout area, probably to cater to the cruise ships.
There was even a playground for the kids and a cafe.
Jasper had not been having a great morning, and really didn't want to leave that park.
 We then drove for 20 minutes uphill on tiny narrow roads to Eira do Serrado, a mountainside lookout.
The scenery was beautiful, and we started out on a hike down into "nun's valley". It just wasn't Jasper's day, so we aborted the hike at the first switchback. Pat and the kids and I went back to the house while the rest continued on the car tour.
Back at the house, after a struggle to nap, both kids woke up in much better spirits. 
 I know that toddlers will have bad days no matter where we are, but I can't help but feel guilty when Jasper is struggling since we're the ones who have dragged him halfway around the world and out of his routine. Today was a good reminder that we need to slow down and not try to do too much in one day. 


  1. You guys are doing awesome! I can't imagine how hard it is to travel with kids. I'm sure they will adapt. Looks like you are having a great time!

  2. Thanks Kim! I hope you're enjoying the first leg of your adventure in Taiwan!
