Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Day 29: Miercoles es el dia de 1 Euro

Today is Wednesday, which is the day that a bar near called Cerveceria 100 Montaditos has a special where everything on the menu is 1 Euro. Naturally, Pat and the kids ate both lunch and dinner there.
A Montadito is a tiny sandwich on a baguette and this place has 100 different varieties on the menu. During lunch, Jasper and Ellis made friends with the other patrons of the bar. One man even bought the kids a new sandwich when they dropped theirs on the floor. 
In the evening, we had a very Spanish meal (except the fact that is was 7 pm, not 10 pm) by letting the kids run wild in the plaza while we sat and ate. Jasper was relishing in his new found freedom until he tripped and did a face plant (he's OK).
I took my first surfing lesson this afternoon at the Playa near our Spanish school. The surf instructor seemed pretty disorganized at first, but once we got going it was great! I managed to catch a few waves on my own, which I didn't do last time I surfed. We surfed until sunset, with the old city in the distance, it was a pretty awesome sight (sorry no pictures, camera is not waterproof!)

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