This weekend, we rented a car to take a road trip to Gibraltar. Our car was upgraded to a mini-van, so after a half hour battle with the rental car seats, we were driving in style! I'm thankful we don't have to do any city-centre driving in the van.
We are staying at a hotel in Linea on the Spanish side of the border so we had to walk across the to Gibraltar. Customs is pretty loose, they didn't even look at our passports.
After you cross the border, you have to walk right across the airport runway to get into the town.
Gibraltar seems to be part-British and part-Spanish. Restaurants serve fish and chips and bocadillos and people seem to speak a mix of English and Spanish. We stumbled upon a Marks and Spencer on the shopping street, so we had to stop in for some veggie Percy pigs.
We tried to go up the cable car and go to the museum, but we were too late in the day for both. Instead we walked around to get our bearings in the town and found a park for the kids to play at.
Ellis and Jasper are both getting pretty daring at the park. Jasper is getting more skilled at climbing and can now scale climbing walls and rope ladders.
Ellis simply has no fear, as you can see by the video below. She must have done that half a dozen times.
We stumbled upon a strange leisure centre built inside one of the city fortification walls that had bowling lanes, a skating rink, kids play areas, movie theatres, arcades and a few bars and restaurants.
Jasper was really fascinated by the boats and fish at the marina on our walk home. He insisted on a picture with this yellow catamaran.
A soccer game was happening as we walked by so Pat and Jasper stopped to watch for a while. We have no idea who was playing, but Jasper was satisfied that these were "players" and not kids.
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