Thursday, 16 November 2017

Day 37: Museo de Cadiz

Today Ellis took 4-5 steps on her own for several times. As soon as we take out the camera to try to get it on video, she stops. She is pretty steady on her feet, but often will just decide to throw herself forwards instead of moving her feet. I see some bumps and bruises in her future. 
 Ellis is also very fascinated with the washing machine in the kitchen. It is a good way to occupy her while trying to cook.
 After siesta today, we took the kids to the Cadiz Museum. It wasn't really oriented to kids at all, but Jasper was surprisingly interested in everything. He kept saying "what's that old thing?", "what's that old thing", which we didn't necessarily know the answer to since all of the explanations were in Spanish. Vocabulary relating to ancient artifacts hasn't come up in Spanish class yet! 
 There was one room in the museum with a boat game that we had to drag Jasper away from after half an hour. He said that he wants to go back to the museum tomorrow!

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