Saturday, 11 November 2017

Day 32: La ciudad de los ninos

We had some unfinished business in Jerez, so we took the train back there this morning.
 First stop was the old city for some tapas lunch. Jasper enjoyed running up and down the ramp pictured behind him while we ate our meal.
 Next, was a long nap-walk to the Ciudad de los ninos, a huge playground complex in the new part of Jerez. We tried to go there last weekend, but it was closed because of the rain.
 I'm glad that we made the trip back, because it was probably the best kids park that we've ever been to. There were a dozen different playgrounds for different ages, a little kids town, and lots of other activities you could pay for like mini putt and riding strange wheeled animals around a track.
 There was plenty to keep our kids busy for days in the park. Jasper climbed across a huge rope ladder that was meant for kids much older. 
 I was pretty nervous watching him climb, but he did really well to make it all the way to the top. He didn't seem to mind that he had accumulated a line up of 20 bigger kids behind him as he carefully made his way.
 He was pretty proud of himself to make it to the top! There was no smoking allowed in the park, which made it easier to not have to worry about Ellis eating cigarette butts. 
 On the way back to the train station, we stopped at the same cafe we were at last Saturday. The waitress' son Mario took a liking to Jasper and kicked a ball around with him. Jasper wasn't as into it as Mario was- a dance interlude is pictured above.
We grabbed a quick dinner of way too much tapas while we waited for our train. We seem to always order too much, because we think that a 2 Euro plate can't be very big (but it is). Jasper has discovered shrimp cakes, and he loves them as long as he can't see the shrimp's eyes and whiskers in the cake.

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