Saturday, 15 August 2015

Day 14- Into the mountains.

Route: New Salem, North Dakota- Red Lodge, Montana
Distance Driven: 714 km

Today was another long day of driving, mostly on the I-94.  The landscape really changed as we went from prairie to badlands and foothills and finally into the mountains.  We stopped for coffee in the morning near Roosevelt National Park, but decided not to pay to go in for such a short break.
Jasper riding a bull at our morning coffee stop.
We stopped for lunch at a picnic spot overlooking the Yellowstone river.  Luckily there was a covered picnic shelter, because the temperature reading on our car was 101 F (Pat figured out how to change the car speedometer to miles per hour and it automatically changed the temperature reading to Fahrenheit).
Lunch by the Yellowstone river.
We passed into Montana and got off the Interstate to head South towards Yellowstone.  We stopped at a campsite in the National Forest outside of the park.  It was the first real mountain scenery we'd seen, and the real first hills that the car had to climb.  The Cruze is not happy about those hills, should be interesting driving in the next little while.
Finally a campsite in the wilderness.

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