Distance: < 20 km
Today was another day of hanging out on Gabriola with Aunt Pat and Alex. Jasper had some tummy time fun this morning. He is enjoying it a lot more now that he can hold his head up for more than a few seconds.
We went on a blackberry picking expedition and got enough berries to make a cobbler, and only a couple scratches from the brambles.
Jasper was a pretty happy guy most of the afternoon, and even had a nice long nap, which allowed me to go for a run and Pat to do some reading.
When Alex got back from a trip to Nanaimo, we all went to the beach together for a swim. The sun was shining, the tide was high and the water was refreshing.
Jasper had a nice shady setup in a shady spot, and we took turns between playing with him and swimming.
Aunt Kate must be teaching Jasper well, he took a selfie at the beach.
Jasper got fussy towards the end of our beach trip, so it was Alex and Duke the Uke to the rescue.
During dinner, we had some animal visitors on the front lawn, a doe and her fawn. Pat and Alex fed the deer some apples and they seemed appreciative of the snack and water bowl. Pat has enjoyed all the wildlife he's seen on the island, including a peacock today.
Haha, Kathryn may still need to teach Jasper a little bit more about the proper angles of a selfie, and to smile first.. This looks more like Jasper's grandma Beaton's selfies!