Friday, 28 August 2015

Day 29- Cathedral Grove and Horne Lake

Route: Little Qualicum Falls- Port Hardy
Distance driven: 397 km

Pat found a new friend at our campsite this morning, a giant banana slug. He kept reminding me to watch out not to step on the slug as we were packing up camp.

Banana slug with razor for reference.
Just a few minutes down the road, we stopped at MacMillian Provincial Park, to check out the old growth forests at Cathedral Grove. We took two short hikes around the forest with Jasper in the front carrier. It was an exhausting hike for him.
Sleepy baby in the front carrier.
Family photo by the biggest Douglas Fir.
Our next stop was Horne Lake Caves provincial park.  We weren't able to do the guided tours, since Jasper is too young, but we did hike to the self-guided caves.
Happy and awake Jasper with Dad.
It was a nice hike through the forest to get to the caves. One of the caves was big enough for Pat and Jasper to fit in, and I went in the other one by myself. There was a ladder to climb down in the cave, which reminded me of when the McIlroys visited Horne Lake about 15 years ago. I was extra careful in the cave, since I already have an injury from falling on flat ground in broad daylight.
Jasper didn't know what to think in the caves.
Our plan was to camp near Campbell River for the night, but after checking the weather forecast (rain, rain and more rain, starting tonight), we decided to drive on all the way to Port Hardy. This way we are in the same hostel for 2 nights, and our gear won't be wet when we get on the ferry on Sunday.
Pat and Jasper by the fishing pier.
Jasper has rolled over a couple more times and has a new trick of sucking on his toes while we're trying to change his diaper. Hopefully he will start sleeping better again soon!
What do your toes taste like, Jasper?

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